![The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary](https://www.unionecoros.it/perledelcoros/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Chiesa-Nostra-Signora-del-Rosario09.jpg)
The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
In the historic centre of Figulinas, there are several churches of particular architectural interest. But at the entrance to the town, along the same road that takes you to the main church, there is a small very characteristic church named Our Lady of the Rosary. According to some studies, the church seems to have been built after 1600, for the Confraternity of the Rosary that had its see in Florinas. The building has a harmonious shape, its entrance portal has an architrave surmounted by a simple rose window, two half pilasters and a triangular gable. On the right side of the building, there is a short staircase that leads to the inside of the church and to the attached bell gable. The interior displays typical 17th century architecture and some works of art, including a golden and polychrome wooden altar, that reflects the dominating artistic expression from the 17th and 18th centuries up until the first half of the 19th century. A statue of the Virgin Mary belongs to the Oratory of The Rosary. The statue’s facial features, polychromy, drapery and grace have the plasticity of Southern Italy’s Baroque style.
Source: “Art in Florinas” (in Italian), by Wally Paris