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Home 9 Putifigari 9 Panorama from Torretta for the sighting of fires in the locality of Pagliaresu Panorama from Torretta for the sighting of fires in the locality of Pagliaresu

Panorama from Torretta for the sighting of fires in the locality of Pagliaresu Panorama from Torretta for the sighting of fires in the locality of Pagliaresu

In the fight against wild fires, infrastructure and logistics play a fundamental role. Above all, in a region like Sardinia, good territorial management requires an efficient network of lookout posts and rapid intervention posts. There are about 340 water basins and supply points for the refilling of water tanker trucks and helicopters, positioned inside the territories administrated by the Agenzia Forestas (tn*Sardinian Regional Agency for the Development of the Territory and the Environment). These have a capacity of 100,000-300,000 litres and are made in different ways and from different materials. An alert is activated immediately upon sighting a fire. The promptness of this alert and subsequent response from the intervention squad is fundamental to limiting damages and extinguishing the flames before their devastating progression destroys the entire territory and its forests. The forest fires lookout system is essentially based on a Network of Sighting Posts, conveniently positioned over the territory, also in relation to its topography and the need to keep so-called “at risk of fire” areas under observation. Sardinia’s lookout system is of great importance and, at the moment, it comprises two hundred lookout posts of the Agenzia Forestas. It is integrated into the regional lookout network run by the Protezione Civile (tn* Civil Defence). In the period of maximum wildfire risk, the most strategic lookout posts are occupied around the clock. Also in the territory of Putifigari, about two kilometres from the village, on the left side of the road leading to the panoramic area of Pagliesu, there is a lookout post. This tower has become a regional sighting post for wildfires at a full 360°, from where the vast and beautiful territory towards the Gulf of Alghero, the Asinara island, Castelsardo and even Osilo is visible.

Source: Sardegna Foreste